ABN 50 104 379 446

Service Approval Number SE-00000731




Healthy lifestyle – Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child.


Supervision – At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard.





Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, fixtures and fittings are suitable for their purpose, including supporting the access of every child.


Upkeep – Premises, furniture and equipment are safe, clean and well maintained.


Resources support play-based learning – Resources, materials and equipment allow for multiple uses, are sufficient in number, and enable every child to engage in play-based learning.






Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing



To ensure all children can participate safely in bike riding activities that promote physical activity, learning through play and collaboration with peers.


Related Policies

Physical Activity Promotion Policy

Physical Environment (Workplace Safety, learning and Administration) Policy



The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor may consider the following issues if planning bike tracks or using existing tracks or other areas for bike riding:

  • locate away from main traffic areas at the service or spaces designed for restful or creative activities
  • grade so children can move easily along track
  • include materials of different textures so children experience different vibration and sounds
  • include challenging elements like hills, mounds and speed humps if these are appropriate for the age of the children at the service
  • make from materials least likely to absorb and retain heat
  • preferably cover with a shade structure or shady tree
  • consider including road features which may reinforce road safety such as line markings, pedestrian crossings, stop and give way signs, traffic lights
  • promote features petrol stations, bus stops and gardens to encourage role play and collaborative learning
  • if planning or implementing a bike track, make 1200-1500 mm wide, have 1000 mm free space beside it and  edge , for example with rounded bricks or concrete.




The Nominated Supervisor will ensure:

  • bikes at the service are suitable for the ages of children at the service
  • comply with AS/NSZ 1927
  • are regularly inspected and maintained

Safety Assessment and Education


Before children can ride bikes at the service:

  • the Nominated Supervisor will conduct a risk assessment to plan how bikes can be used safely in different locations at the service and take action to eliminate or minimise risk to children from bike riding
  • the Nominated Supervisor will induct educators and staff in the safe use of bikes
  • educators will:
    • teach children how to ride the bikes
    • teach children the bike safety rules
    • discuss bike safety behaviours and their expectations for consistent safe riding at the service
    • provide children with a bike licence containing their name and photo. Their licence may be revoked if they engage in unsafe behaviour or do not follow the service’s bike safety rules.

When children are riding bikes educators will ensure all children follow the bike safety rules consistently.

Bike safety rules

  • all bikes are ridden in one direction only
  • different age groups will ride in different places or at different times insert service arrangements eg 0-2s in morning
  • all children wear properly fitting helmets that comply with AS/NSZ 2063
    • helmet can’t be moved around on the head
    • chinstrap fastened firmly and not twisted
    • straps join in a ‘V’ just below the ears
    • helmets replaced after an impact or accident, or if materials split or deteriorate
    • sunhats worn under helmets in accordance with sun safe policy
  • no child can ride a bike if an educator is not supervising them
  • no child can collide with a stationary bike or one being ridden by a child
  • children can only overtake other children if it is safe
  • children who have finished riding must park their bike in the parking bay


National Quality Standard
Early Years Learning Framework
Kidsafe NSW – Bike tracks

NSW Transport – Safety on wheels



The policy will be reviewed annually by:

  • Management
  • Employees
  • Families
  • Interested Parties