ABN 50 104 379 446

Service Approval Number SE-00000731




Health practices and procedures – Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.


Supervision – At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard.


National Regulations



Medical conditions policy


Medical conditions policy to be provided to parents


Medication record


Administration of medication


Exception to authorisation requirement – anaphylaxis or asthma emergency


Procedure for administration of medication


Self-administration of medication




Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.

Educators promote continuity of children’s personal health and hygiene by sharing ownership of routines and schedules with children, families and the community



Our Service and our educators will only administer medication to a child if it is authorised or the child is experiencing an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency.  We recognise it is essential to follow strict procedures for the administration of medication to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of each child using the service.

Related Policies
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy

Emergency Service Contact Policy
Enrolment Policy
Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy

Medical Conditions Policy


Our service and educators will only administer medication to children if it is authorised by parents or another person as authorised on the enrolment form. If there is a medical emergency, we will also administer medication when authorised verbally by a parent or another authorised person, medical practitioner or an emergency service, however we may administer medication during an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency without first receiving authorisation.

Medication under the Regulations includes medication covered by the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. Therapeutic goods include those for therapeutic use to:

·        prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury

·        influence, inhibit or modify a physiological process.

This covers products like sunscreen and nappy cream.

The Nominated Supervisor will ensure:

·        a copy of this policy is provided to parents when they enrol their child

·        children’s medication is regularly audited to ensure it has not expired, and is in the original container with legible labels

·        training is provided for educators as required including in the administration of emergency medication like EpiPens and asthma inhalers, and where there are special requirements for administering medication eg nebulisers.

Responsibilities of Parents/guardian

·        The service will ensure that the administration of authorised medication record is completed for each child using the service who requires medication. A separate form must be completed for each medication if more than one is required.

·        Our service permits that children over Pre-School age can self-administer medication. In this instance, the service will ensure that the medication record is completed for each child using the service who self- administers, administration of medication will be supervised by an Educator and witnessed by another.

·        Medication may only be administered by the service with written authority signed by the child’s parent/ Guardian or other authorised nominee named in the child’s enrolment record.

·        In the instance that the child’s registered medical practitioner prescribes a medication, the service must ensure the medication is administered appropriately.

·        Medication must be provided by the child’s Parents/Guardian including the following –

o   Original container – Medication will only be administered from the original container.

o   Original chemist label that is clearly readable.

o   Child’s name clearly on the label and spelt correctly.

o   Not past the expiry date.

o   Any instructions attached to the medication or related to the use of the medication from the medical


o   Any written instructions provided by the child’s registered medical practitioner.

·        Any individual delivering a child to the service must not leave medications in the child’s bag or locker this needs to be locked away in the medication boxes provided straight away and collected each day.

·        A medication permission form is to be completed by the parent or authorised nominee, all fields of the form must be complete and will be handed to an Educator.

·        It is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians or other authorised nominee to ensure that only medication prescribed for the nominated child is provided and that the medication is current and in date.

·        Documents for long term medication use will be developed with the family and the medical practitioner completing and signing the plan. Plans must be updated as the child’s medication needs change, this is a maximum of every six months with a new letter from the medical practitioner.

·        Keep children away from the care and education setting while any symptoms of an illness remain and for 24 hours from commencing antibiotics to ensure they have no side effects to the medication.

·        To keep children away from the centre for a minimum of 24 hours after having a temperature either at the centre or at home as this is a true indicator that your child is unwell. We ask you not to send your child to the centre when they have needed Panadol or Nurofen as this can mask illness.

·        To respect the decision of the Director or responsible person if they choose to exclude your child from the service because of signs of illness.

·        To provide a doctor’s clearance on return to the centre, if your child has been diagnosed with a contagious illness or if the Centre Manager/ Responsible person is requesting this for any other reasons.

·        We ask families to reflect on when your child is showing signs of illness or discomfort and whether the centre can provide them with the one on one attention they would get at home.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relief Medication eg Panadol


We do not accept written or verbal authorisations to administer Over-the-Counter pain relief medication like Panadol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen and paracetamol unless it has been prescribed by a medical practitioner, or authorised verbally by a medical professional in an emergency as outlined below.  Pain relief medication may mask the symptoms of serious illnesses and our educators are not qualified medical professionals. 


Anyone delivering a child to the service must not leave medication in the child’s bag or locker. Medication must be given directly to an educator on arrival for appropriate storage. Auto injection devices (eg Epipens) and asthma puffers will be stored up high in rooms so they are inaccessible to children. All other medication will be stored in accordance with the storage instructions on the medication in a locked labelled container in a cabinet or fridge. Non-refrigerated medication will be kept away from direct sources of heat.


Self-Administration of Medication by Children over Preschool Age

Our service permits children over preschool age to self-administer medication with the supervision of an educator and witness. Information about the medication will be detailed in the child’s Medical Management Plan and Medical Conditions Risk Minimisation Plan if appropriate. The child’s medication will be stored in a secure area which other children cannot access it.

When the medication is due to be administered:

·        educators will advise child to take their medication

·        educators will supervise child administering the medication

·        educators will complete a medication record 


Administration of Medication in emergencies other than anaphylaxis or asthma emergencies

1.      Educators will administer medication to a child in an emergency:

·        if a parent or another authorised person verbally authorises the administration of the medication or

·        they receive verbal authorisation from a registered medical practitioner or emergency service if the parent or authorised person cannot be contacted.

2.      The child will be positively reassured, calmed and removed to a quiet area under the direct supervision of a suitably experienced and trained educator.

3.      The Nominated Supervisor will contact the child’s parent/guardian, and provide written notice to the parent/guardian, as soon as possible.

4.      The Nominated Supervisor will ensure the service completes an Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Record.

Educators will not administer medication if parents or authorised persons provide verbal authorisation in circumstances that are not emergencies. If educators are unsure whether they should be administering a medication in an emergency after receiving verbal authorisation from a parent or authorised person, educators will obtain authorisation from a registered medical practitioner or emergency service.

Administration of Medication during Anaphylaxis or Asthma Emergencies

1.      Educators may administer medication to a child in an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency without authorisation.

2.      The child will be positively reassured, calmed and removed to a quiet area under the direct supervision of a suitably experienced and trained educator.

3.      The Nominated Supervisor will contact the child’s parent/guardian and the emergency services as soon as possible.

4.      The Nominated Supervisor will advise the child’s parent/guardian in writing as soon as possible.

5.      The Nominated Supervisor will ensure the service completes an Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Record.

If a child has an adverse reaction to any medication or it’s incorrectly administered, the educator or staff member will immediately notify the Nominated Supervisor who will contact the child’s parents/guardians straight away, and ensure an Incident Record is completed. A first aid trained educator or staff member will respond to any first aid needs in line with the practices outlined in the Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy, including calling an ambulance if required.

Medication Record

Educators will complete a Medication Record with the name of the child which:

·         contains the authorisation to administer medication

·         details the name of the medication,  the dose to be administered and how it will be administered, the time and date it was last administered, and the time and date or circumstances when it should be administered next

·        if medication is administered to a child (including during an emergency), details the dosage that is administered and how it is administered, the time and date it is administered, the name and signature of the person that administered it, and the name and signature of the person that checked the child’s identity and dosage before it was administered and witnessed the administration. 

·        if medication is administered by a child that is authorised to self-administer medication, details the dosage the child took and how, and the time and date it was taken.


We will use the Medication Record template published by the national authority ACECQA www.acecqa.gov.au

If required, we will adapt this Medication Record template to record the self-administration of medication for authorised children over pre-school age (eg in the “name and signature of educator administering medication” columns put N/A for not applicable).

Attendance when on Medication


Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations
National Quality Standard
Early Years Learning Framework



The policy will be reviewed annually